If a computer is connected to the Internet connection, it is vulnerable to online attacks. The only difference is some computers could be more susceptible than others. Look at this global cybersecurity statistics to get a clear picture – a Veronis report highlights that cybercriminals attack the internet every 39 seconds and 2,244 times daily on average. Data breaches had already exposed about 4.1 billion data in 2019. All kinds of businesses, no matter what their sizes are have become a target, especially small scale businesses. It impacts their reputation, costs them in millions, and compromises their customer data. This information is enough to understand that a barrier must be there to protect users from threats coming online. The barrier we are going to talk about in this article is a Firewall. So, let’s put some light on this important aspect of network security.

What is a Firewall?

Firewalls History

Types of Firewalls?

Network-based vs. Host-based firewalls

Hardware vs. Software vs. Cloud Firewall

How does a firewall work?

Who needs a Firewall?

Everyone! Therefore, a firewall, also known as a network firewall, is capable of preventing unauthorized access to/from private networks. A network firewall is based on security rules to accept, reject, or drop specific traffic. The aim of the firewall is to allow or deny the connection or request, depending on implemented rules. A firewall is inspired by a tangible object known as a “firewall” or a fire retaining wall. It is installed inside buildings, separating two apartments. So, in the occurrence of fire, the firewall can prevent the fire from spreading from one apartment to another. The application of this term in computer networking began back in the 1980s. At that time, the internet was newly based on connectivity and global usage. In fact, routers were the predecessors of firewalls because then it used to separate one network from another.

Packet filters

A first-generation network firewall used to monitor packets, in other words, bytes transferring between computers. They are still used today, but modern firewalls have traversed a long path with technological development.

Stateful filters

Second-generation firewalls that came around 1990 that perform the same work as packet filters do besides monitoring activities between two endpoints. Stateful filters are vulnerable to DDoS attacks.

Application layer

The third generation firewall that could understand protocols and applications like FTP, HTTP. Hence, it could detect unwanted applications trying to bypass the network firewall.

Next-generation firewall (NGFW)

It is a deeper or advanced inspection of the application layer, which includes intrusion prevention systems (IPS), web application firewall (WAF), and user identity management.

Network firewall Web application firewall Hardware-based Software-based Cloud-based Personal computer (Windows, macOS) firewall Mobile firewall

They are mostly categorized under two types – network-based and host-based.

Host-based firewalls

They are installed on different network nodes, controlling each outgoing and incoming packet or byte. The firewall consists of an application suite installed on a server or computer. Host-based firewalls can protect the individual host against unauthorized access and attacks. Some of the popular hardware firewalls come from Cisco, SonicWall, Fortinet.

Software-based firewall

It is usually a virtual appliance or VM with firewall software installed. There is plenty of open source firewall you can explore. They are customizable but offer lesser control over protection features and functions than hardware. pfSense is one of the popular open-source software-based firewalls.

Cloud-based firewall

You can also call them Firewall-as-a-Service (FaaS), and they are similar to proxy firewalls. In addition to providing a strong shield to your network, they are excellent to scale with the growth of your company. SUCURI, Cloudflare, Imperva, Sophos are some of the popular cloud-based firewalls. For outgoing traffic originating from the server, the firewall lets them pass mostly (configurable). But for incoming traffic reaching from major protocols like TCP, ICMP, or UDP, the firewalls monitor them strictly. The firewall inspects incoming traffic based on their:

Source Content Destination Port

The firewall uses this data to decide whether the traffic abides by the set rules. If yes, then it permits; otherwise, the traffic gets blocked by the firewall. It’s a common misconception that only large firms or financial institutions must use firewalls. But the reality is different; every business must use a firewall irrespective of their size. A report says that 60% of SMBs that have been victims of cyber-crime went out of their business within six months. Not to mention, cyber-criminals are always on the go to evolve their techniques and finding advanced ways to target businesses. Without using a firewall, your network and data are potentially at major risks and vulnerabilities to malicious intent. Malware can steal your credit card data, bank credentials, customer information, destroy data, bring down your network, divert hardware bandwidth, and many more. Hence, firewalls act as absolute saviors in these scenarios. Both consumers and corporations can use firewalls. Companies can use firewalls into their security information & event management strategy, cybersecurity devices, etc. You can also install them in your network perimeter for guarding against external security threats or inside the network for segmenting and protecting against internal threats. You can use a personal firewall, which is a single product consisting of software or embedded firmware device. Use it to:

Set restrictions in your in-home devices, While surfing the internet using a broadband connection which is always on, While using public Wi-Fi in an airport, park, or cafe If a program tries to connect with the internet, etc.

What are the benefits of Firewalls?

Installing a firewall in your network can suppress all the jitters associated with your computer’s security. I guess you get an idea by now, but let’s explore more.

Safer network

Protects from Trojans

It keeps an eye on every packet, and on finding a hazardous packet, the firewall blocks it then and there.

Stop hackers

But you would not have a slight hint about what’s going on your computer until it starts showing its repercussions. No worries if you have installed a firewall on your system as it can block Trojans immediately before they can enter and damage your computer.

Access control

Points to consider while choosing a Firewall

DDoS Protection


Remote access


Apart from this, even your neighbors whom you might not suspect could advantage from your open network connection. A firewall is key to all these problems and provides you with a secure network free from such intrusions. So, blocking such hosts is the solution here. You can enforce access policy on these hosts or services with the help of firewalls. So, if you have made up your mind on staying secure by leveraging it, there are some things that you should consider before you make a purchase. It will help you pick the one that can justify your network needs. These attacks come to happen with no warning where even the IT ninjas could not anticipate until the harm us has done already. It suddenly reduces the performance and bandwidth of attacked websites. Hence, always go with a firewall that can offer or integrate with DDoS detection as well as prevention. You can also pair it with an intrusion detector to have an extra layer of protection and say no to malicious traffic. Attack alerts remind you to check your firewall quickly to see what’s going on. It can also help you to determine the attack method. Hence, you can utilize this knowledge along with the firewall to mitigate any threat when you still have time. In this case, firewalls handle activities concerning VPNs for authorization, support, etc. While you have the option to buy a VPN solution, combining a firewall with VPNs within the architecture is better and cost-efficient.


Depending on the budget and requirement, you can use hardware or software-based firewalls. If your application is hosted on the cloud platform, then leveraging a cloud-based firewall will be a good idea. There are plenty of choices and choose what works well with your application. Trust me, the cost of a data breach is way more than investing in a decent firewall. So, don’t try to save the money here.

What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 32What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 19What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 43What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 93What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 54What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 59What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 53What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 90What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 51What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 20What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 27What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 2What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 37What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 49What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 73What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 64What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 14What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 95What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 38What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 44What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 72What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 4What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 5What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 10What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 26What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 98What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 62What is Firewall    An Introduction Guide - 43