Almost every blog, a website has Facebook like, share, or follow button. As you may know, default Facebook social share code is loaded synchronously along with your web page resources. This will increase your website load time and damage SEO score. It’s just not SEO but also spoils user experience. I am sure Facebook social share button is essential but not as your actual code to display first. There are many blog or website has higher page load time because of the default Facebook code. Using Facebook code asynchronously will help you to load your web page 0.5 – 1.5 seconds faster. This is what you have to load Facebook like, share, or follow button faster. Here is the code I got from Facebook Developer for like and share to Now, all I have to add is following the single line in my code, which will help to load buttons faster. So the modified code would be: Isn’t it easy? Update: the new code snippets offered by Facebook doesn’t require above as it includes script async already you can see below. Using WordPress? Check out this post which explains how to optimize for performance without a plugin. And if you are looking for a social media plugin that doesn’t slow down then I highly recommend Novashare. I am sure you like your web page to load faster, and I hope this helps you.

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