This is because electronic things bring convenience to our lives. And people love this way of doing everything from any device and anywhere. Now people also want most of their stuff to be present in an electronic form. As a result, books can not stay detached from this kind of lifestyle. This is because a large amount of the population is fond of reading. So to pamper their fondness, publishers have evolved eBooks. This is keeping people’s love for reading alive. Before we find out in detail about publishing an eBook, let’s first understand what an eBook is.

What Is an eBook?

In simple terms, an eBook is a book in electronic or digital form. eBooks are non-editable books that come in digital forms so that readers can read them on computers, mobiles, or more. eBooks are also reflowable, meaning whatever screen you are viewing them on will perfectly fit your screen.

Benefits of an eBook

eBooks are a perfect alternative, or you can say the best solution against paperback books. Here are some major benefits that an eBook offers.

#1. Space Saving

Some people are fond of books and love owning different books. For such bookworms, eBooks can be space-saving. Because otherwise, you may need a special room for your physical books. And for those having a shortage of space, eBooks can work wonders.

#2. Cost-Effective

Paperback books involve manufacturing, printing, shipping, and more costs. On the other hand, eBooks don’t involve any kind of activity. As a result, you can publish an eBook at much more reasonable prices.

#3. Environmentally-Friendly

A large amount of paper is consumed in manufacturing paper books which results in cutting millions of trees. All this contributes to environmental issues, global warming, etc. eBooks give the perfect environmental-friendly alternative. You can play your part in saving nature by publishing an eBook.

#4. Portable

You can carry eBooks anywhere without any burden. Readers can read them on any device without any boundaries. This makes eBooks quite convenient.

How to Find Topic Ideas for eBooks?

Finding the right eBook topic is a must as per your capabilities. You will have an idea of what your audience wants to read. Besides this, you should have adequate knowledge of the topic. This is because you should deliver correct and reliable information to your audience. Here are a few tips to help you find topic ideas.

Identify the Niche of Your eBook: Before going on to the topic, you must be clear about the niche of your eBook. This will narrow down your topic area to a great extent. Research Through the Analytics for Popular Topics: Social media and blog analytics are the best ways to explore popular topics. You can go through the older blogs to see which one has more views. Use Keywords for Finding Popular Content: Keywords help you identify popular content. It will also offer you metrics such as Twitter shares, Facebook engagement, and more. Research Your Competitors: Researching your competitors is quite important. This will help you beat your competition by creating better ideas and content.

Next, we will check out how long an eBook should be.

How Long Should an eBook Be?

The best-selling books on the web usually come up with 30-50 pages. This number can go around 100 sometimes when you have a lengthy topic. However, this is not necessary; eBooks may also have pages less than 20. But what should be the ideal length? The answer is this is not a matter of importance. The important thing is the value that you can add to your eBook.

How to Write and Publish an eBook?

Write a Good Book

Writing a good book is the first and foremost thing that can make your eBook rock the market. It should be capable of engaging the readers and doing justice to the topic. Your eBook should answer all the questions of your audience. It should also be well-polished and presented. It should also be complete and well-written.

Write the Perfect Book Description

The description of the book is considered as the pitch to the reader. It is a way to summarize the whole eBook and tell them why they must purchase it. The book description should explain how your eBook will improve their lives and help in a particular area. You should be able to let them believe that your eBook is the thing that can help them. A good book description will drive more sales.

Produce an Engaging Cover

People may also judge your eBook by its cover. So make sure you have the most engaging and presentable cover. Just like a physical book’s appearance, colors, and illustrations attract readers, the look of an eBook also matters. The book cover has a major part of it to contribute. The book design should look easy, not complicated. People will only find your book readable if it looks interesting. For a professional cover, you should hire a professional graphic designer.

Choose the Right Publishing Platform

Some of the platforms help you promote your eBooks as well and help find the right readers. The right platform can give you access to various distribution options conveniently.

Determine the Price

eBooks can help you get higher profit margins due to less production cost involved. But it is notable that readers also want to pay less for eBooks than printed books. So, you should keep this in mind and decide the price for your eBook. Identify that sweet spot that will work well for readers and you. The good idea is to explore your competitors’ prices for similar products. You can also consider the length of your eBook, its genre, the size of your audience, etc. You can alter the price if the first sales tactic is not working properly.

Upload Your eBook

Once you have identified the price and publishing platform, it is time to upload your eBook. Different platforms have different scenarios. You can follow the process that your selected platform demands. Here you may need to add eBook details, cover, manuscript, etc. You also need to choose distribution rights, royalty plans, etc.


Once you complete uploading, it’s time to publish it. Final publishing will enable your eBook to be visible on the platform.

How to Sell Your eBook?

Now you are ready with your eBook publishing. It is time to sell it and reach your audience. One of the convenient ways to sell it is directly from your website. This is because if you own a website, you will have an active audience. This way, your eBook can reach directly to them. Alternatively, you can consider retailers like Kobo, Apple, and Nook. Your eBook can get amazing exposure on these platforms.

Final Words

So, we have covered everything about eBooks. Create a mindful strategy before publishing it. These tips will help you write a perfect eBook and make it a success. Next, you can explore A to Z about marketing collateral.

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