You can either follow interactive (GUI) or silent mode to update the Fixpack and iFix (interim fixes) in WebSphere application server 7. Following will guide you how to do using a command line in another word silently. WebSphere 7 is still used by more than 37% (as of April 2016) and thought it would be good to share the instructions with you all.

First thing first, you need to ensure you have latest update installer for WAS 7. If not you can download them from the following a link.

Download the update installer for the platform you need from the above link. This may take few minutes based on your Internet speed. Once downloaded, extract them to the temporary location (/tmp) on a server.

Note: Backup is the lifesaver so don’t forget to take before doing anything.

Remove all the contents of /Path/to/Websphere_v7/UpdateInstaller/* Create a response file “UPDIResonsefile.txt” with following under /tmp

Navigate to a folder where you extracted the update installer. In this ex:

Run the install command giving location of response file as an argument

This will take few minutes and upgrade “Update Installer to the latest version”.

Applying Fixpack update

Download the necessary fix pack from the following link to /tmp Following example is based on install IBM HTTP Server 37 Fix Pack.

Create new silent file “IHSFIXPACKResonsefile.txt “ with following under /tmp

Navigate to UpdateInstaller directory and run the command with the location of response files as an argument

Applying Interim Fix Update

The procedure is similar to applying fix pack. You may use the same response file used for fix pack installation. However, you need to replace the fixpack repository location with interim fix repository location. For ex: Above should give you an idea how to apply Fixpack in IBM WebSphere Application Server 7 environment. BTW, did you know WebSphere 9 is available on IBM Cloud? Try out, it’s cool!

How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 46How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 5How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 25How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 32How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 55How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 73How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 90How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 72How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 10How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 33How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 58How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 24How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 74How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 82How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 97How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 2How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 10How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 81How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 46How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 23How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 89How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 73How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 54How to Update Fixpack and iFix in IBM WebSphere 7 Silently - 43