Usually, you had to do when troubleshooting application and needed to investigate the issues either in application or infrastructure. This is possible either using WAS Admin Console or Command line. Based on your preference, you can choose the method.

1. Using WebSphere Administrative Console

Login into DMGR Console Navigate to Troubleshooting at left side Click on java dumps and cores

Select the JVM from the list and click on the one you wish to generate

Dump & Core will be generated under WebSphere profile location. You will get the absolute path under the message.

2. Using Command Line

Login into WAS Server Go to profile and bin folder Execute file

Set JVM name in a variable

Note: server1 is for example. Change this to your actual JVM name.

To generate heap dump

Execute following

This will generate heap dump and give you the path where it’s available.

To generate Java Core

This will generate thread dump and will be available under profile path. You see getting dumps are easy and analyzing them is always interesting. Check out my next article on how to analyze them for application troubleshooting.

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